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Preparation for remote connection

- Download and install the latest version of AnyDesk (

This is necessary to connect remotely to your laptop/computer. Before the connection itself, we will ask you to provide us with the username and password. 


- Download Arduino IDE ( This is necessary to connect to puzzles via a laptop.


- Unscrew the top panel (or bottom panel) of the puzzle and look at the main board. It can be of three types:

Controller for Escape room. Type 1: Arduino NANO in shield
Controller for exit room. Type 2. Arduino Mega
Controller for Escape the room game. Type 3. Arduino UNO

- The type of the wire, which we need for the connection, depends on this.

   - Arduino NANO - “Type MINI - B”

   - Arduino UNO / Arduino MEGA - "TYPE B"

Types of USB cables in escaper room industry

- The final view for the connection to your computer (laptop/PC -- does not matter).

Repair process of puzzle/prop in escape room
team viewer session in escape room (fixing puzzles in escape room). Electronics issues in escape room

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