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Custom electronics in Escape rooms


Updated: Apr 12, 2024

It is not obvious that most of puzzles inside any escape room have electronics inside.

  • Some puzzles have rather simple electronics, which can be mounted on purchased circuit board. There are tons of that boards with different sizes. Our example of that board:

circuit board for electronics inside Escape Room

Some puzzles and props inside escape rooms have quite complex electronics with big electric circuit. In that cases we develop and produce custom printed circuit board (PCB). It helps us:

  • increase speed of installation electronic components

  • reliability — is much higher

  • easier replication

There are two types of PCBs:

  • «home» made — when you do them with help of special chemical reaction. This method is faster (1 day for design and 1-2 days for production and installation).

  • factory-made — their outlook is a little bit better. But for purpose of ER industry there is no big difference between home made and factory-made.

Examples of our PCBs:

1. Factory- made PCB for ER:

Factory-made PCBs

2. Design process:

Design process of circuit board

3. Produced PCBs for escape room project:

Home-made power circuit board. Designed, produced and with installed electronics

4. Here is PCB for segment indicators:

example of custom electronics for exit room

Such PCBs allows us to make puzzles faster, more reliable and with better quality.

The only thing we want to share at the end — please avoid Escape room builders who use dupont wires:

dupont wires

Best regards and successful projects,

EcoDecor team.

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