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Turnkey equipment of the interactive escape room "Gamerooms"


Updated: Apr 12, 2024

Escape room Gamerooms

Turnkey equipment of the escape room (exit quest) "Gamerooms"

For the Gamerooms project we created all the props needed to fill the both rooms (quest consists of two rooms).

With the permission of the organizers, we'd like to talk about each device in greater detail.

1. Giant tag

The task was to combine design and game in one object. We suggested to create a tag-image for hanging on the wall. Quest was based on the «Oldboy» movie and that is where the image was taken from. The field was made of several layers of plastic (first, the substrate, and then pathways, using milling cutting). From the outside there was a frame for holding the details with detachable part on one side (for bringing in details without taking the construction off the wall). The pathways were oiled for an easy slip of the details. The tag details were made of plastic with direct printing (to avoid damage by the players). It is recommended to regularly clean the pathways with compressed air. The construction we created was usable.

2. The labyrinth on the wall

The labyrinth is a very popular part of the interactive quests. We did a lot of different types of them. Working on this project, we did not face any problems. The only requirement for the constriction was to be lightweight for hanging on the wall. No problems! We created an outer frame of PVC, 3 mm wide, and the wall was also made of PVC. There were boltholes made in the bottom. On the top there was a removable lid made of Plexiglas. It is replaced every 3 months as during exploitation it gets scratched a lot.

3. A maze with a key

We were given a task to create a labyrinth out of the pipes on the ceiling of the room. The players had to trace the key on the ring in the labyrinth and take it off in the end. We created a technical specification for a construction made of «joker» type tubes and connecting elements. However, after our specialists did the measurements on site, it was revealed that the ceiling was made of Styrofoam slabs and it was impossible to fix the loaded metal pipes on plasterboard walls. We came up with an alternative solution: the snake of plastic under the ceiling. The design fitted perfectly into the design project of the room, it was light and served the same functions of the quest script. We also created a “pie” of red polystyrene; inside we built in a chain with a key on a ring keychain and mounted the snake under the ceiling. The exploitation proved the construction to be strong.

4. False window, hieroglyph other elements of direct printing.

The main puzzles were completed and we had to finish them off with some simple elements. The first was a false window (the technology is very simple: direct print on plastic and the bolt holes). The second one is a firm sign measuring 40*40 centimetres (the main task – they should not fit the window between the rooms - this is a quest element). For cutting cost purposes we did not use direct print but placed a film over plastic sheet. Until now, no replacement of tables was needed.

Yours truly,

EcoDecor team

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