+7 (903) 611 88 64
We create puzzles and Escape rooms
Worldwide delivery
1 room, 8 doors-recesses, circa 9 sq.m, 8 puzzles, 25-30 minutes, 2-4 people
27 700 USD

There is a small room with 8 closed doors and a table with a candlestick in the center.
Behind each door there is a piece of a fairy-tale world and a puzzle, which kids should solve to open the next door. So the game play is very clear, that is important for kids.
They enter the room and see just a candlestick on the table - they solve it (blow) and the first door opens. They solve the puzzle behind this door, and second door opens. Like this, all doors opens one by one. Kids always understand, what to do next - no panic and no loss of interest. The task is constant - to open the next door. And next door is a new impression and a new riddle.
Kids will have to do a lot:
to help poor card servants to paint roses in the Queen's garden,
to help Сaterpillar not to lose his head in a smoke screen,
to pick infected mushrooms.
Of course, there will be a reward for them at the end of the game! After kids do all the tasks, they will have a chance to participate in a mad tea-party and also get a take-away sweet present. (that is very important for all kids and some adults - to get a reward).

Part 1. Script/scenario
- full storyline
- drawing with collocation of props and puzzles.
- detailed description of each prop
- sequence of all puzzles
Part 2. Project
- it includes visualisation and references with room design guide
- electronic circuit for electronics and related parts (for props and puzzles)
- detailed step-by-step guide for room installation
Part 3. Props and puzzles
- all props and puzzles according to scenario
- all props and puzzles are decorated according to theme/script
- some spare parts
- one control board for all props and puzzles
- central music station and speakers
Part 4. Full interior and special effects
- all decoration for walls
- 8 decorated doors
- furniture and decoration for rooms inside
- special effects and soundtrack for every door
Technical information:
- size: ~380*380*380cm
(12.5*12.5*12.5 ft)
- weight ~200kg
- energy consumption: 1500 W
- installation time: 4-6h

27 700 USD - you just have to build/rent walls
For orders and details wright us on escaperooms.ecodecor@gmail.com