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2 rooms, circa 30 sq.m, 16 puzzles, complexity: medium, 1 hour, 2-6 people
24 900 USD

You are fishermen on your way back home after a good catch. You need to 
moor your boat and send the fish to the market.

Find yourself in a fishermen village at the beginning of the XIX century.

Hurry up! You are limited in time!

exit room props_ fisherman village escape room.
turnkey escape room. purchase escape room. Puzzles for escape room

Part 1. Script/scenario

- full storyline 

- drawing with collocation of props and puzzles.

- detailed description of each prop

- sequence of all puzzles

Part 2. Project

- it includes visualisation and references with room design guide

- electronic circuit for electronics and related parts (for props and puzzles)

- detailed step-by-step guide for room installation 


Part 3. Props and puzzles

- all props and puzzles according to scenario

- all props and puzzles are decorated according to theme/script

- some spare parts

- one control board for all props and puzzles

- central music station and speakers

exit room layout. exit game layout. Electronic scheme for escape room.

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Puzzles, props and ready to play escape rooms

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