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hi-tech puzzles for escape rooms

Puzzles for escape rooms
Worldwide delivery

Be unique in Escape room industry

Video about us

  • Any items for Escape rooms: high-quality props and puzzles, electronics, developing software, creating decorations

  • 9 years experience in Escape room business. We know pretty well, what an Escape room is

  • We know what is vandal-proof production

  • We have our own production facility and reliable team of professionals

  • We use unique techniques, technology and skills in production process.

  • We are experienced puzzle and prop-maker company

  • Installation process of our escape room props and puzzles is very simple (Plug and Play)

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Новые поступления

We are a full cycle production company.  

For the last nine years we have been producing various gadgets (devices), puzzles and props for people, who create Escape rooms. 

We helped our customers to create fantastic hi-tech Escape rooms in more than 47 countries.


We will be happy to see you among our customers!


Escape room puzzles, props, devices, gadgets, decorations, electronics, portable games, software and application – these are the things, which we are proud of and able to produce  for you!


EcoDecor clients on the world map

 641 projects completed in 47 countries worldwide, >2600 puzzles BUILT

Escape room prop: candle cache

EcoDecor. Puzzles and escape rooms
Escape room prop: candle cache
Escape room prop: candle cache

Escape room prop: candle cache

Play Video
Candle cache puzzle

Candle cache puzzle

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Antique clock (build-in box)

Antique clock (build-in box)

Play Video
Watch prop with a built-in box

Watch prop with a built-in box

Play Video

The best way to understand, what we do and how we work, is to watch our videos. We publish new content about twice a week.

The Youtube channel is the first place, where our latest ideas and products appear.

Subscribe and follow us to keep up!


My name is Ilya and I am the founder of EcoDecor company.

All my life I have always loved making something: mechanisms, devices and furniture, so in 2013 I founded the EcoDecor production company.

The first year we built various advertising structures, a year later my friends asked me to make some mechanisms (now we call them "puzzles") for her escape room.

From that day on, I learned what an escape room is and realized that this is what I want to do: irrepressible creativity, as well as difficult and new goals.

I have to say that I really like what I do.

ISO 9001 2015 sertification of EcoDecor company
founder ilya EcoDecor
LinkedIn profile EcoDecor props and escape rooms

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+7 903 611 88 64

Puzzles, props and ready to play escape rooms

©2025 EcoDecor 

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